When you hear the word love, what comes to your mind? Do you consider the word love as a noun or as a verb that describes an action?
Subconsciously in our minds, a picture of what love is, how we express love, and even how we think love should be shown to us for it to be honest and genuine is formulated from an early age.
To identify essential characteristics and explain how one may know when they are in the presence of genuine love, the subject of love has been and forever will be discussed and theorized by humankind.
Love is an incredibly pure and self-emptying journey. Because love can never be purchased or forced, it is the most important thing you can receive from someone. Moreover, love is the best thing you can offer to someone else and the most valuable thing you can receive.
The Journey of Love is where life begins, for truly, love is the essence of life. No life can exist without love. The Journey of Love is multidimensional yet spiritually empowering.
The Journey of Love is a journey worth taking and is worth everything that one must encounter. For truly, on this journey, love never fails and conquers all.
***I dedicate this post to my parents, who, on this day, united in Holy Matrimony over 50 years ago.
1 comment
Beautifully stated.