Home The Adventure Awaits… “I’m Going to London”

“I’m Going to London”

by Naiviv

Yes, I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it. I’m looking forward to this great learning experience. Last year about this time I received a postcard from an acquaintance who happened to be visiting London on business. As I surveyed the postcard and read the inscription, I said aloud “I’m going to London”. Honestly, I didn’t know how nor when, but the spirit within was quickened, and thus I believed within my heart that I was “going to London”.

Our words have the power to manifest that which our minds can’t conceive. Moreover, it is with the words that we speak that we create that which we seek to be.

It is my desire that this Study Abroad experience will lead to the discovery of a creative and/or spiritual gift that will assist me in developing a closer connection with the Divine.

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1 comment

Tammy L Hackard 4 June 2023 - 16:45

Amazing and Awesome


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