by Naiviv

During my time in Paris, France, I had the pleasure of interacting with a very influential businesswoman. As we conversed, I shared how I was stumped on what word I was going to use for my Letter Photography Project.

In addition to that, I wanted my word to have significance and be an excellent embodiment of who I am. The businesswoman looked at me, smiled, and said, “You already know what you are, and that’s a MODEL.”

When people hear the word “model,” they often think of a person whose job is to promote, display, or advertise commercial goods, such as clothing in fashion shows, or to help artists make art or pose for photos. In science, a model is an image of an idea, an object, or even a process or system that is used to describe and explain things that can’t be seen or felt directly.  Psychological models are theoretical thoughts or representations of human cognitive and reaction qualities used to estimate and evaluate an individual’s performance in difficult scenarios. Thus, in life, models can and will vary.

I never thought nor considered myself to be a “model”. However, that day the revelation of self-awareness came to me through someone who did not know me but saw me for who I am.

Who Am I?

I am an embodiment of the Divine that promotes change.

I am a pattern for the creative works of that which is natural and spiritual.

I am an instrument of light and love.

I am a MODEL.

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1 comment

Tammy L. Hackard 8 July 2023 - 19:35

I believe the businesswoman truly stated correctly what and who you are. You walk in your truth and live in faith. Continue to be who and what God has made you. Thank you for sharing this journey with us.


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